Friday, October 14, 2016

Obama Michael the real 1st Lady?

History is being made as the enemy sounds-off and informs the public that He Michael Obama is upset and shook to the core over lie’s from propoganda machine about Donald Trump.
Think about this folk this reprobate is shook to the core about that.When in our city’s people are killing each other at an alarming rate soldiers are killing themselves everyday but this drag queen whore is shook to the core over lies.Trump for President people and lets lock this administration up and weld their cells shut and then deport them losers to the country’s they have destroyed.
Then lets put God back in our schools,courts and lives added message to the wolves who pretend to serve God put God back in the church.
The media is so corrupt but God has a path for them that they will play out to their death.
God Bless the American people who can see the madness and pray for them who can’t.
Our present leader is a traitor and a reprobate defiled Muslim who informed us of the truth through his own words from the books he wrote.Pray for Him that God awakens his reprobate mind to be something more than evil.

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