Friday, October 14, 2016

Attack Obama Not Trump

Where is the media when Obama committed treason,yes; treason and why haven’t the leaders and Generals arrested Obama?Why hasn’t this been investigated and why did we agree? When it’s wrong and history shows us this?So how did this happen?Michele Obama says She is shaken to my core about un-true things about Trump,when we the public are shaken to the core that you are a man and that the President of the USA negotiated with terrorists and traded theirs for one of our traitors.The Bergdahl story remember?Bergdahl was released on May 31, 2014, as part of a prisoner exchange for five Taliban members who were being held at the detention center at Guantanamo Bay. He should have been executed right their on that base.
The fake leader Obama needs to be deported to that base. Lets dig into the truth because the media never revealed the truth because the media is the enemy propaganda machine that distributes lies and untruths because they FEAR TRUMP is going to become President and then lock them up for their transgressions against America.They are the cock roaches fleeing the light but in this case the Trump.
God Bless Trump and please focus on truth not media bullshit.They are all losers leeching off you the public.They want to meter everything and would meter the air you breath if they could.

Help America and ditch New York Times they are just one of many we all need to never support.
ibugme Bob

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