Thursday, January 22, 2015

Dr. Sheehan Review

In chronological order I will describe my last Doctors visit with Dr. Colleen Sheehan. When I entered the building I was given some new forms to read and sign. They wrote in the form that if you cuss or get loud you will no longer be seen by their office. No problem I read and sign the form. I enter her office (Dr. Sheehan) and inform her of my problems and she tells me only one at a time although its apparent to the layman let alone a physician that my problem is related,yet she disagrees and proceeds with her one problem at a time solution and I then say to her I have been on the referral circuit for over a year and one Doctor you referred me to Dr. Cutler said to me which I shared with her was and I quote what he Dr. Cutler said "Why did she send you to me" anyway when Dr. Sheehan heard me say this she said and I quote her words "What the F u c k " yes folks she violated in her office the same form that would make me void of service yet she went on to cuss three more times and then try to patronize me by calling me pumpkin 3 times. I am Robert not pumpkin and to say the least I do not think she is capable of treating stuffed animal let alone people. Most unprofessional person I have ever met in my lifetime period. Now I will call my insurance company and explain to them why I need a new primary Doctor. She should not receive one penny for her fraudulent attempt of being a Doctor.

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