Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Truth about HollyWood


                                                      TRUTH about HollyWood

Posted on YouTube by= (Read Romans 10: 9-14)

Featured News Jesuits Motion Picture Association of America Ruled by Black Pope’s Knights of Malta 7 years ago Eric Jon Phelps Knight of Malta Jack Valenti, Head of Motion Picture Association of America (1966-2004) Knight of Malta Jack Valenti, Head of Motion Picture Association of America (1966-2004) In the face of the constant rant that “the Jews run Hollywood,” we should remember that it is the Jesuit Order calling the shots. As per the article below, Roman Catholic papal knight Chris Dodd (former corrupt US Senator from Connecticut, is now the head of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). That’s right. Another ROMAN CATHOLIC loyal to his unholy hellishness in Rome! But let us review the past in order to understand the present—as this is the purp0se of recorded history! Hollywood was originally founded by notorious Jews but in the 1930s it was taken over by the power of ROMAN CATHOLIC Knight of Malta Joe Kennedy. Yes, it was Joe Kennedy who told all the leading Jews NOT TO SCREENPLAY anything negative about Adolph Hitler! Then later on, it was ROMAN CATHOLIC Knight of Malta Jack Valenti—another co-conspirator in the Kennedy Assassination and Cover-up—who headed the association for thirty-eight years (1966-2004)! But let’s take a further look at the members of the association. The first is Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group. And who was Walt Disney? why yet another Knight of Malta! Pedophile Walt (a sexual pervert according to “presidential model” Arizona Wilder) was also the one who concocted two cartoons seven minutes long put upon the movie-going American people in the early 1940s to “go file their tax returns” during WWII, the second act of the Black Pope’s Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945) against once White Saxon Protestant Germany! Further, on the seventeen-member advisory board of Disney was none other than the acting president of Jesuit Georgetown University, Jesuit Leo J. O’ Donovan. But what about Warner Brothers? Well, in 1929 Greek shipping tycoon and Knight of Malta Spyros Skouros headed the Warner Brothers Theater Circuit making a profit during the Great Depression caused by foremost short-seller of stock, Knight of Malta Joe Kennedy. In 1933 papal knight and press lord William Randolph Hearst “the Chief” was brought into the fold, bringing his vast fortune and backing thus furthering the Black Pope’s pro-Roman Catholic, anti-Protestant motion picture monopoly. Randolf was also pro-Hitler and pro-Mussolini—a real Jesuit fascist to the core! In 1988 Warner Brothers entered into a five-year association with Disney, the Knights doing a most profitable business with one another! And in 1989 Warner merged with Time, Inc., creating Time-Warner. But what of it? Well, apostate Protestant Knight of Malta Henry R. Luce—another co-conspirator in the Kennedy assassination and cover-up who purchased the Zapruder Film for 150,000 non-redeemable Federal Reserve Notes—was the founder of Time, Inc., and his successor-knights continued to do business as usual within the brotherhood! The list of actors employed by these papal criminals is most impressive. There was Roman Catholic Sicilian-born Knight of Malta Frank Capra who was the industry’s leading producer during the 1930s. Three leading actors during the 1940s through the 1960s were Italian Roman Catholic Anthony Quinn, Black race-mixer Sammy Davis, Jr. (who upon his arrival to Reno for his gaming “shows” was assigned two whores by the pope’s Mafia, one White, the other Black), and another Black race-mixer Sidney Poitier (“Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner”)—also a Knight of the Equestrian Order and most faithful Roman Catholic living in Rome today. (Yes, it is the Order’s Hollywood Whorehouse having shoved wicked amalgamation and miscegenation down the throats of both American Whites and Blacks branding anyone who dissented as a “racist and a bigot!” Today, notorious Knights of Malta among Hollywood producers and the Screen Actors Guild are such debauchees as Roman Catholic Jack Nicholson (having fathered several illegitimate children), Roman Catholic Sylvester Stallone (“Rambo” and “Rocky”), Christian Science Tom Cruise (leading actor in the anti-King James Bible flick, “A Few Good Men,” and “Eyes Wide Shut,” the last movie of murdered director Knight of Malta Stanley Kubrick who told too much in that sexually explicit, nearly pornographic film), Roman Catholic Robert De Niro (who played the devil in “Angel Heart” and married a Black actress setting “a good example” for ignorant, young, race-mixing White Americans to follow!), Roman Catholic Al Pacino (who also played the devil in “The Devil’s Advocate” and whose speech at the end of the movie could only have been written by Jesuits!), George Clooney (a personal agent for papal knight David Rockefeller and living in Italy), and Roman Catholic John Malkovich (leading actor in the violent “Con Air”), Nicolas Cage (who played the part of a fornicator with African Black women in “Lord of War”) and Knight of Malta Arnold Schwarzenegger (who, in “End of Days,” fought with the devil in a “good” Roman Catholic Church). All these guys are fornicating, race-mixing, amalgamating Knights of Malta and this is just the beginning of our sordid cast of characters. Hollywood is merely “The Jesuit Theater,” nothing more! Jews involved are “papal court Jews,” worshiping their god Mammon, the pope being Satan’s human master of all Mammon. For the Military Company of Jesus, the Praetorian Guard of the Papal Caesar, has horded all the world’s gold in its central banks and has issued all the fiat currencies. This in turn has bound the world into one commercial orgy to climax with the final pope of Rome, murdered and risen from the dead, to be the Antichrist/Man-Beast ruling the world from the rebuilt City of Babylon immediately requiring all to bear his name, his mark or his number 666 to buy or sell. Thus, Satan’s Jesuit Theater has played its part in the devil’s “Mystery of Iniquity.” And Roman Catholic Chris Dodd is now to continue the legacy.

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