Hello Fake Media,Puppet Journalists who think the word Shit Hole is so vulgar you can’t reiterate it.
From a group of vipers who proliferate nothing but vile vulgar programs can’t use the word Shit Hole?
Wake up Journalists the word Shit is not so bad compared to your continous lies through out the years and decades.
Shit is said to be derived like this:
In the 1800’s, cow pie's were collected on the prarie and boxed and loaded on steam ships to burn instead of wood. Wood was not only hard to find, but heavy to move around and store.
When the boxes of cow pie's were in the sun for days on board the ships, they would smell bad. So when the manure was boxed up, they stamped the outside of the box, S.H.I.T....which means Ship High In Transit.
When people came aboard the ship and said,"Oh what is that smell!" They were told it was sh*t. You and your entire Network smell like a big old lieing Shit-Hole just like them countrys Trump Tweeted about.Trump also tweeted us that you are our enemy and that to is TRUE you big shit hole liars.Try telling the truth once in a while!
Have a Nice Day
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