Monday, February 13, 2017

Attention span of Retarded Toads

They better start enforcing it or they again are sending a message to all of us to fuck off peasants.Where are the educators of America?Where are the spiritual leaders?We have a bunch of parasites that live off us while they give themselves the luxuries of life.
Look at my own Michigan our loser governor is still free and has killed people with water and the pawn’s under him take false hits for a show as if corrective measure’s have been taken about the heinous stuff they have done, and do to us all daily.He gave 2 people in his administration 200k raise while thousands are unemployed?Show me an honest politician in Michigan?Most of them are life long parasites that my fellow Michiganders repeatedly vote into office.Why,again attention spans of retarded toads.Speaking of retarded toads our Governor spent much time, and money removing the word retard from law books in Michigan while my toad citizens with their retarded toad attention span said thats politically correct you shouldn’t call people retarded! For real they are retarded and my fellow Americans are retarded.Again attention span of retarded toads. Then my fellow Americans turn on the TV (brain wash machine) and get their quick version of truth from a bunch of loser journalist who are even more retarded than toads.Show me there not. Look at 911 for example a retarded Bush is told about the planes that smashed into the twin towers and He sits there for 29 minutes with children,come on folks,He knew.If they didn’t know what was going on don’t you think secret service would have shuffled him up out of there?Then the NIST director(for you with the attention span of a retarded toads (National Institute of Science and Technology) tells us all there were no bombs even before an investigation?Come on what kind of intelligence is this in our America.My fellow Americans attention span is that of a retarded toad as we listen to them talking about draining the swamp.America has been taken over by Federal Reserve and, our leaders try so hard to dumb us all down like retarded toads so we can help them enslave us all to the debt and crimes they commit all over the flat earth we live on and please no comments from any toads about earth is round or we have been to the moon it is all an illusion to steal from you and I.
Einstein,Tesla and our fore fathers all knew we lived on flat earth and the earth does not move.OK who is going to call me a retarded toad for saying we live on a flat earth?Did any of you christians ever discover a corner on a round orange or anything round?God tells us there are 4 winds at the 4 corners of this world and He informs us He is not the author of confusion and we all fall for Nicolaus Copernicus theories who was a Polish astronomer who put forth the theory that the Sun is at rest near the center of the Universe, and that the Earth, spinning on its axis once daily, revolves annually around the Sun. This is called the heliocentric, or Sun-centered, system. For you short attention span retarded toads if your still there is in astronomy, the Geocentric Model (also known as geocentrism, or the Ptolemaic system) is a description of the cosmos where Earth is at the orbital center of all celestial bodies.To again dumb us down like a bunch of short attention span toads and move us further away form God and truth. We live on a flat earth in a electro magnetic field a string a vibration that keeps us all prisoners to this Earth.By now most have already left because they have virus in their brains from TV,pills,alcohol or just plain retarded and no attention span or at least not greater than a retarded toad. So here we are on a social network babbling like a bunch of retarded short attention span toads as if what we have to say is going to matter,while we leave the same fools in charge that have ripped us off, poisoned us, and are ready to violate us all at a level only the devil would be proud to occur onto mankind.
Eight long years my retarded American no attention span citizens allowed the enemy to lead us and the retarded leaders in place which retarded no attention span citizens voted back into office allowed it to happen and all remain loyal to their own evil brand. Where are all the good cops or intelligence when this is blatantly happening?Every branch of America is retarded with no attention span what so ever to truth,honesty,justice or any semblance of God’s teaching?
To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.
Satan is alive and well, He has his precious leaders to fool us all as He tricks them into the snare that God has warned us all about in the Holy Bible and we fall victim to that same snare because we are a bunch of short attention span toads. 
Islam is evil and if you want to be politically correct and accept that it is not or that Muslims are good then please understand all who agree with abortion will be placed in the lake of fire as those who think it is politically correct to allow evil Islamic monsters into any country let alone America where their have been laws to prevent this since 1952. I am the one the world hates the politically incorrect fool of this world the fool who loves Jesus and leans on the word of God not man.It is not ok to be gay, man made you that way but the short attention span toads tricked you into the devils Bible rather than leaning on God’s word. So here these words that God placed in my heart He tells me we are not greater than or smarter than Nations that my Lord and Savior has destroyed in the past.For the disobedience and the evil disregard we as a people have for and about God will all be punished accordingly.Matter of fact He informs me some of us may judge angels and to those who tossed God from our schools and courts he instructs myself the second death is yours unless you repent and change and ask Jesus into your life. I tell you hear these words and share them with someone you love and awaken He who is in you who is greater than He who is the world. From a fool that loves you all enough to say, everyone is deceived including me yet I see. 52 years ago today I entered this world, I have seen much evil and it becomes more and more apparent that God is correct the whole world is deceived.May God knock down all leaders of this world who have disregaurded his WORD.We are but a vibration a string and today I praise God and sing Happy Birthday as I cry for mankind.Wake up America. Wake up Dad.Wake up Mom.Wake up brothers and sisters,all over this flat Earth.

My own mother ROSWITHA OLSON wife to THOMAS WILLIAM OLSON who tortured me called me on my Birthday a few years ago and expressed that she was glad my fatherJERRY LEE COX was dead and what makes it worse is that I did not know until she called.My Father was in the ground two weeks before I even knew He was dead and my mother said that to me on my birthday.I can not even afford to go see where He is buried and have never recovered from her evil words and that was 5 years ago.To make it even worse He was killed subversively by His gay ass roommate because He was adding me to the will. His gay ass name is John Romero who lives in 5 points Oxnard California Driffil Blvd space #128.Today is my birthday so I share this with all who read how evil this world is and the devil will deceive even your own mother.Pray for my Mother that she awkens from her short toad like attention span that so many have today.God Bless America and God Bless those who suffer from this evil world.May sound selfish but please pray for me for the tears come every year since 2/13/2011 like a flood gate from hell.
 Robert Olson

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