Monday, October 10, 2016

Whats politically correct?

Please here me out and feed me your thoughts after I share with you a few of my own.
First of all do you re-call when Obama said openly in public that this is no longer a Christian Nation?
Well,I remember, and I was pissed off at that person we call President.
How dare He say that I thought to myself but just a few moments ago as I was studying the Bible I discovered America and what God says about this land that I live in and how quickly I leaned on God’s word and not my own.
This Nation I live in,”Land of the Free” has tossed God aside. The leaders we have put in place have destroyed this nation by eradicating God from our schools our courts our minds and replacing moral judgement with immoral values and more immoral leaders that greedily line their pockets through war and propaganda. So it should be obvious as to where my thought leads,”Obama spoke the Truth when He made that statement.” “This is no longer a christian nation” my fellow American’s were all to busy FaceBooking,Tweeting and being controlled;what to do what to watch what to wear and what to believe. We have become the Abomination of the World. Look who our leader is a fake christian who is a Muslim or what ever he is,what he is to me is the enemy. God say’s he is the enemy by Obama’s own words.
Every sell out leader in my great nation hear these words my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is coming with an Iron Rod to put you in your place. He will use the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. So enjoy what little time you have because you will be tested with fire and birds will pluck out your eyes.
Rule wisely says the Lord.
Be warned and be aware live by the sword die by the sword. The political winds are pretty ugly, don’t you think? Remember the monsters words so pay attention and stop farmvilling for a moment and think.
Horns represent kings and kingdoms, or governments (Daniel 7:24 8:21). In this case, they represent America's two governing principles: civil and religious liberty. These two governing principles have also been labeled "republicanism" (a government without a king) and "Protestantism" (a church without a pope). Other nations since ancient times had taxed people to support a state religion. Most had also oppressed religious dissidents. But America established something entirely new: Freedom to worship as you wish without government interference or control and with government protection. Absence of crowns signifies a republican form of government, rather than a monarchy. Lamb-like horns denote an innocent, young, non-oppressive, peace-loving, and spiritual nation. Jesus is referred to as a lamb 28 times in Revelation. So this new government was trying to uphold His principles. No other power on earth could possibly fit the characteristics and time slot of the lamb-horned beast, except America. Think are we different from Biblical characters who disobeyed God and his word? No, so guess what’s coming? Lots of bad stuff,so put on the Armor of God  and remember to remain faithful to Jesus and one another.Pray for the freaks of the world who want to kill you because you are Christian. Hard one to do but please do it our prayers are more powerful than all their weapons,power and might combined.
God protect those who serve you and change those who are in the dark to conform to the light of Truth. Amen

1 Timothy 6:9-10 - But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and [into] many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 

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