Friday, November 20, 2015

911 Star General

Before us are two books. One is flawless and divine. It is the Bible. The other, the Koran, is error-ridden, the product of a self-styled prophet, who was no prophet at all. One encourages us to love our enemies; the other promotes conversion by force and Jihad —“holy war.”
Islam has no place in America and according to the precepts of American Forefathers should never lead in America. Trump is 100 percent correct to have a Muslin database because through that database you will find every terror organization that our foolish leaders have armed and who have taught this sick Ideology of Islam how to make bombs.
If Trump doesn’t become President He should become 911 star General for our America.
God Bless America and God Bless Donald Trump for having the balls to tell it like it is to the World.
I Am the seed of Abraham.

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