Friday, August 16, 2019

Dr. Farid Fata should be executed

Cancer doc: I didn't understand guilty plea consequences

Ann Arbor - Dr. Farid Fata, sentenced to 45 years in prison for one of the largest health care frauds in U.S. history, testified Tuesday he did not know the consequences of his admission of guilt in 2014.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Robert News Dove's are smarter than most

Monday, August 5, 2019

How Did El Paso Happen?

Disarm FDA and all Doctors in America

WAKE UP about the lie narrative the rulers of the air tell you,our media giants are the enemy as the President of America has informed us. The media giants work collectively together to disarm America when in fact it is the media that needs to be dismantled in America. They use the air waves to misinform you every single day and never tell you the truth narratives that need addressing.
Did you know that over 100 people per day are killed by opioid drugs? Drugs that our FDA approved and then Doctors prescribe this poison to the populous. So over 40,000 people die every year from Doctors who prescribe opioid drugs. FDA approves  many of the foods we eat to be poisoned with high fructose corn syrup yadda, yadda, yadda. Can you put the dot's together. Government leader's allow us to be sprayed by chemtrail's every single day. Yadda,Yadda,Yadda They tell you they have been to the moon. They (NASA) admit to losing the recipe to get to the moon but want to go to Mars. Yadda,Yadda,Yadda, They use smart meters and wireless frequency's to further harm you. But it's FDA approved??? YADDA YADDA YADDA You waking up yet? Please wake up America.