Thursday, November 30, 2017

Robert News President saying Merry Christmas


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Saudi Arabia Flood

Saudi Arabia hit by mass FLOODING as ‘apocalyptic’ storm sweeps desert.

Some feel that it is God judging the leaders for making an A.I a citizen while treating humans so terribly?You make the call.

Breaking News Koreans launch Missiles Trump speaks

                                  Trump rats out the lazy no good democrats not working again.


David Crowley wrote and directed Gray State, an unfinished movie about the militarization of police, the imposition of a martial law, high tech surveillance, RFID chips and the occult mind-state behind it all. The movie’s Facebook page states that the story is about “a wounded veteran who leads the insurgency against a corrupt Government after nationwide martial law has been declared.” Here’s the concept trailer of the movie.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Sunday, November 5, 2017

FDA America’s enemy

When will America wake up? Not hard to find the truth.They{FDA}show us everyday on TELEVISION how their medications kill, mame and literally make us worse and dependant to their drugs.If it was a perfect world we would be executing most Doctors live on FaceBook for the next 10 years or so.The FDA along with NASA will all be tossed into the lake of fire.They know it and the real news will show them all one day. If you hurt one of God’s little ones it would be better that you were never born.777